Written by Loren Wiseman and Andy Akins
Edited by Andrew Hackard and Gene Seabolt
Cover art by Rick Achberger and Jesse DeGraff
Illustrated by Zach Howard and Jesse DeGraff
131 pages. PDF.
Price TBA
Stock number FFE30-6616
Always Available – Click here to buy!
128 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock number 6616
ISBN 1-55634-434-1
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
The Ship Of A Thousand Uses
With its legendary utility and flexibility, the 50-ton modular cutter has spread across the Imperium. Its interchangeable payloads can turn cargo hauler into battle craft or research vessel in the time it takes to unlock one module and load the next.
For the first time ever, GURPS Traveller: Modular Cutter details the operation of and options for this ubiquitous vessel. Discover:
- The inner workings of modular shipping . . . including the unpleasant consequences of haphazard module-handling.
- A wide variety of alternate module-carrying ships, from the small Hiver version of the cutter to huge container starships.
- Scores of alternate modules to make the modular cutter fit any mission profile.
- Information on designing custom modular vessels using the starship-construction rules in GURPS Traveller.
In a universe of mystery, it's impossible to know what tools you'll need to face tomorrow's challenges. Prepare yourself for all contingencies with GURPS Traveller: Modular Cutter!

- GURPS Spaceships – Rules for TL7-12 spacecraft, from tiny lifeboats to giant dreadnoughts. It covers spaceship design, travel, and operations, along with a (mapless) space combat system.
- GURPS Traveller Deck Plan 2: Modular Cutter – 8 two-sided maps: the 50-ton modular cutter itself and seven different modules. The set also includes a sheet of Traveller Cardboard Heroes miniatures.
- GURPS Traveller: Starships – In addition to rules for designing and rating your own spaceships (at both TL9 and TL10), this book contains over 35 pre-designed craft, ranging from 10-ton fighters to 500,000-ton dreadnoughts, described in detail and ready for use in a campaign.
- The complete list of GURPS Traveller books.
- Warehouse 23 offers scenarios, background information, deck plans, and zines, in digital form, for GURPS Traveller – as well as many of our other game lines.

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