Kitaru O'DonnellTL10 Starship Captain[Created by] Attributes(0) ST 10 Advantages: (40 points)Charisma +1, Luck 1 (15 points), Status +1 (starship captain), Wealthy. Disadvantages: (-40 points)Honesty, Low Pain Threshold, Sense of Duty (crew and all humans, -15 points), Stubbornness. Quirks: (-5 points)[undetermined] Skills:Administration-12, Astrogation-15 (4), Beam Weapons(laser)/TL10-13 (0.5), Beam Weapons(sonic)/TL10-15 (2), Brawling-13 (2), Computer Operation/TL10-13 (0.5), Economics-12 (1), Fast Draw (Pistol)-12 (1), Fencing-12 (2), Free Fall/TL10-11 (1), Law-12 (1), Leadership-15 (2), Mathematics-12 (1), Merchant-15 (4), Piloting (Aircar)/TL10-11 (1), Piloting (Large Spacecraft)/TL10-13 (6), Savoir-Faire-13 (0.5), Vacc Suit/TL10-12 (0.5). Conversions:Fantasy:A merchant caravan leader, perhaps, or the Captain of a sea-going vessel. Alter skills to fit. Modern:Unfortunately, the "position" of independant trader is fairly uncommon in this day and age. If you can find some equivalent . . . Near Future:Ditto, though he might be running some sort of free-lance shipping. The This Way Up is Kitaru O'Donnell's first command. O'Donnell is a charismatic commander and also the chief pilot and astrogator of the This Way Up. He's also not a bad man in a fight. There's a version of Captain O'Donnell who belongs to the trouble-shooting company, XenoSolutions: William Rowen. (Back to list of Space Characters) | |
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