This Variant race was done with the point-costs from the second edition of GURPS Fantasy Folk.
This variant costs 68.5 points, not taking any levels of Primitive into account.
ST: 9/18 [22]
DX:11 [10]
HT: 12 [20]
Four Legs [5]
Claws [15]
Catfall [10]
DR +1 (Lower Body) [2]
Enhanced Move +1 (Sprinting: -1 Lower ST / 2 sec) [7.5]
Increased Speed +1 [25]
Night Vision [10]
Acute Hearing +4 [6]
Acute Sense of Smell +4 [6]
Universal Digestion (Takes 3d days & HT roll to switch, starves until does) [12]
Racial Skills and Skill Bonuses:
+1 Outdoors Skills [6]
+1 Athletic Skills [6]
Stealth @ DX+1 [4]
Inconvenient Size [-10]
Increased Life Support (x2 food, air, etc.) [-10]
Short Lifespan x1 (adult at 13, aging at 37) [-10]
Bad Temper [-10]
Compulsive Curiosity (-2 to IQ to resist) [-10]
Compulsive Creation of Uniqueness [-5]
Overconfident [-10]
Odius Racal Habit: Washes in Public [-5]
Reputation: Grouchy Barbarians [-15]
Primitive (-1TL) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Kintarans) [-10]
Sleepy Quirk [-1]
Vain of Self/Species [-1]
Respect Psionics ("Shamans") [-1]
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