50-Point Characters for GURPS Third EditionLast updated September 27, 2011This is a collection of 50-point characters for GURPS Third Edition. Links to characters on other pages are marked with a "*". Note: though these pages are located at the Steve Jackson Games website, the characters contained within are NOT canon! Steve Jackson Games has kindly provided the space for these UNOFFICIAL character sheets, but the responsibility for them is the authors'. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z APenelope "Penny" Adair, Starship Mechanic/Engineer (65 points) BCDJacob Dexter, TL11 Kid With Rich Dad (50 points) EFGHScherazade Harami, TL 11 Photojournalist (50 points) IJKColin Kinazcy, TL15 Archaeolgy/Linguistics grad student (50 points) LMNOPQRSTUVWJeanette Wilson, TL15 Grad student & sensor operator (65 points) XYZ | |
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