Superior Attunement Game Mechanics
Described below are the derivations for the various attunements and Distinctions for each Superior, in terms of existing GURPS mechanics. They are listed in an order that corresponds with the sections of Chapter 4.
If there is no special ability for a Choir or Band, the entry is omitted. Some Superiors have an initial "All" entry, which lists abilities common to all Choirs or Bands. These are not included in the point total listed here for the individual Choirs or Bands for that Superior. (They are normally included in the Choir/Band costs listed in Chapter 4, and in the Superior Attunement Cost Tables on p. 41.)
Distinction point totals here do not include the level of Celestial Rank they bestow; that Rank is included in the costs listed in Chapter 4.
When bonuses are given for resonances (or other celestial powers that use attribute, Will, or Perception rolls), the power is treated as having an intrinsic Mental/Hard skill, and the bonus cost is computed according to the Racial Skill Bonus rules on p. CI177.
Some celestial powers, have game mechanics based on psionic powers. However, they are not actually psi abilities, and are priced as single-skill powers. (If the psi skill has no single-skill cost, the full power group cost is used.)
Some powers are based on Inherent Magic (p. CI38), when a GURPS spell was the best match to the celestial ability. These powers are not actually based on magic; Inherent Magic was simply used to help determine the point cost or mechanics.
The Archangels
Blandine, p. 82
Seraphim: Alertness averaging +3 (Doesn't affect resonance, -10%; Only in the Marches, -30%). 9 points.
Cherubim: Dream Walking enhancement: No Roll Required, +66%, linked to Only for attuned subjects, -50%. 3 points.
Ofanim: Dream Walking enhancement: an average of 2 levels of Extended Duration, +60%. 9 points.
Elohim: Resonance enhancement: Passive use, +25%, and No Roll Required, +66%, linked to Only in the Marches, -30%). 19 points.
Malakim: Skill bonus (Only in the Marches, -30%) averaging +3 to Stealth. 3 points.
Kyriotates: Kyriotate Mindshare enhancement: Can multi-task in the Marches, +5%. 5 points.
Mercurians: Dream Walking enhancement: Can follow relationships into other dreamscapes, +50%. 8 points.
Dream Walking: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Dream Projection (p. B21). 15 points.
Healing Dream: New power, loosely based on Mindwipe psi skill. 20 points.
Vassal of Dreams: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of a very weak variant of Peaceful Sleep (p. M67). 5 points.
Friend of Sleepers: Symphonic Knowledge: Celestial dream-tampering (No media use, -66%; Limited scope, -1%). 10 points.
Master of the Realms of Night: +2 bonus to all four attributes (and thus skills), only in the Marches, -30%. 56 points.
David, p. 84
Seraphim: New power: Sense Minerals (loosely based on "Sense" superpowers, p. SU64, but with much smaller range), includes No Roll Required enhancement. 20 points.
Cherubim: Telekinesis variant at Power 16 (No Roll Required, +66%; Only minerals, -10%; Very limited range, -50%; Limited by ST, -25%; Limited velocity, -4%). 50 points.
Ofanim: Tunnel variant (1hex/turn; Weight limited to No Encumbrance, -10%; leaves no passage, -10%, can also tunnel metal or glass at 1/3 normal speed, +20%).50 points.
Elohim: Absolute Direction [5]; Absolute Timing [5]. 10 points.
Malakim: DR 66 (Hardened, +30%; Limited Use: 1 per day, -40%, and many other obvious limitations to bring the total modifiers down to the -75% limit). 50 points.
Kyriotates: No initial cost; Body of Stone costs 8 points/level, with a +5% net enhancement.
Mercurians: Symphonic Knowledge: Building structure (No Roll Required, +66%; Doesn't work through media, -33%; Doesn't work on recordings, -33%). 30 points.
Deep Gaze: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Earth Vision (p. B156). 10 points.
Cold Touch:New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Flesh to Stone (p. M32). 20 points.
Vassal of Stone: Invulnerability: earth and stone; this is considered a rare attack form in the In Nomine background. 75 points.
Friend of the Subterranean World: Symphonic Knowledge: Underground cavities (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Limited scope, -50%). 15 points.
Master of the Granite Hand: Trained By a Master (p. CI31) [40], Power Blow (p. CI143) at IQ+3 [10], Pressure Points (p. CI144) at IQ+1 [6], Pressure Secrets (p. CI144) at IQ-3 [1], and group skill bonus (p. CI177) averaging +3 to all these skills (5 points/level) [15]. Total: 72 points.
Dominic, p. 86
Seraphim: Resonance bonus averaging +3. 4 points.
Cherubim: Adds the limitation "Does not apply to investigative subjects", -20%, to the Cherub dissonance. 3 points.
Ofanim: Symphonic Knowledge: Discord (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%, Severely limited range, -50%). 15 points.
Elohim: Symphonic Knowledge: Guilt (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Limited scope, -34%). 20 points.
Malakim: Symphonic Knowledge: Dissonance (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Severely limited range, -50%). 15 points.
Kyriotates: Adds the limitation "Does not apply to evil hosts," -20% to the Kyriotate dissonance. 3 points.
Mercurians: Adds the resonance enhancement "Also picks up most deviant behavior," +30% [9]. Adds the limitation "Can harm the guilty," -20%, to the Mercurian dissonance [6]. Total: 15 points.
Incarnate Law: Symphonic Knowledge: Local Law (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%). 15 points.
Heavenly Judgement: New power. 45 points.
Vassal of Conscience: Symphonic Influence: Confession (No Roll Required, +66%, Doesn't work through live media, -33%, Only affects Wills less than 9, -50%). 25 points.
Friend of Judgment: Changes Will limitation on Vassal of Conscience to less than 13, reducing the limitation to -20%). 9 points.
Master of Law: Symphonic Knowledge: Crime (No Roll Required, +66%; Limited scope, -50%). 35 points.
Eli, p. 88
All: All Creationers have the Versatile advantage (p. CI31) [5]. This is included in the Choir costs in Chapter 4.
Seraphim: Symphonic Knowledge: Skills (Doesn't work on recordings, -33%; Limited scope, -17%). 15 points.
Cherubim: Symphonic Knowledge: Object's Creator (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Limited scope, -30%) [15]. Resonance enhancement "Can attune through created objects," +30% [6]. 21 points.
Ofanim: Substitutes regular Regeneration for slow Regeneration [15]. Age Control: new power [30]. Total: 45 points.
Elohim: Gadgeteer (p. CI25; Only for relic and reliquary creation, -50%) [13]; Celestial Song of Artifacts at IQ [8]. 21 points.
Malakim: New power: 20 points.
Kyriotates: Celestial Song of Form at IQ [8] as Inherent Magic; the skill cost is modified by Reduced Essence Cost -2, +40%, additional Power for more extreme changes is free, +110%. (Additional skill with the modified Song costs 250% times the normal 4 points per level.) 20 points, plus 10 points per additional skill level above IQ.
Mercurians: Gadgeteer (p. CI25; Only for talisman creation, -50%) [13]; Ethereal Song of Artifacts at IQ [8]. 21 points.
Abracadabra: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of the Create Earth spell, p. B156 or M32. 30 points.
Transubstantiation: New power: 30 points.
Eli has no Distinctions.
Gabriel, p. 90
All: Symphonic Knowledge: One specific type of cruelty (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Limited Scope, -50%). 15 points.
Ofanim: Invulnerability: generic Energy (this is considered a Rare attack in the In Nomine setting). 75 points.
Malakim: New power, loosely based on Claws. 20 points.
Dance of the Atoms: New power, loosely based on Control Temperature (p. SU57) including Increased Area and No Roll Required. 20 points.
Smite: Minor variant of the Fireball super-power (Power 4; No Roll Required, +66%; Costs 4 Essence, -40%). 30 points.
Vassal of Fire: Based on Control Fire superpower at Power 4 (Increased Area +4, +80%; No Roll Required, +66%). 30 points.
Friend of the Divine Spark: Symphonic Influence: Passion (No Roll Required, +66%; Doesn't work through media, -33%; Only amplifies existing passions, -50%). 25 points.
Master of the Flame of Heaven: New power. 25 points.
Janus, p. 00 [415]
Seraphim: Skill bonus averaging +3 to Fast-Talk. 3 points.
Cherubim: Ally, typically 76-100 points, appears almost all the time. 15 points.
Ofanim: Group skill bonus (worth 6 points/level) averaging +3 for Thief/Spy skills (Only for removing physical barriers to freedom, -20%). 15 points.
Elohim: New power. 5 points.
Malakim: Group skill bonus averaging +3 to Chemistry (explosives), Demolition, and Throwing (explosives only), worth 3 points per level. 9 points.
Kyriotates: Body of Air super-advantage (Requires Vision roll to detect, +50%; Nuisance Effect: Temporary Disadvantages: Mute (-25%) and form prohibits multi-tasking, (-86%), limited to -75%). 38 points. (If this attunement is taken by someone from another Choir, the last limitation doesn't apply, and the cost is 63 points.)
Mercurians: Symphonic Influence: Clear out! (No Roll Required, +66%; Area Effect, +50%; No media use, -33%; Restricted range -3 (6 yards), -15%; Restricted scope, -85%) [25]. Symphonic Knowledge: Stolen goods (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%) [15]. Total: 40 points.
Passage: New power. 15 points.
Swipe: New power, loosely based on Exoteleport with No Roll Required, Costs 2 Essence, and Touch Only. 35 points.
Vassal of the Wind: Secret version of Sign Language at IQ. 2 points.
Friend of the Unseen: New power, based on Danger Sense (No Roll Required, +66%). 25 points.
Master of Motion: Enhanced Move: running [10], swimming [10], flying [10], and celestial movement [10]; new power: Stealth use while moving [5]. Total cost: 45 points.
Jean, p. 94
Seraphim: Eidetic Memory 2 [60]. Memory replay is a new power [10]. Total: 70 points.
Cherubim: New power. 15 points.
Ofanim: New power, loosely based on Autoteleport with No Roll Required. 50 points.
Elohim: New power (includes a +4 bonus to computer skills): 15 points.
Malakim: Mathematical Ability (p. B22) [10], Gadgeteer (p. CI25) [25], +3 skill bonus (p. CI177) to Chemistry [4], +3 to Electronics Operation [3],+3 to Mechanic [3]. Total cost: 45 points.
Kyriotates: Enhancement of the Kyriotate possession ability: "Can possess objects," +100%. 80 points.
Mercurians: New power: 15 points.
Generator: Bioelectric Shock (Affects machines like Shock and Surge, +100%). 20 points.
Remote Control: New power, loosely based on Telecontrol. 50 points.
Vassal of Lightning: Intuitive Mathematician (p. CI26) [25]; Symphonic Knowledge: Object Uses (No Roll Required +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -17%) [25]. Total: 50 points.
Friend of the Illuminated: New power, loosely based on Danger Sense, with No Roll Required: 15 points.
Master of the Machine: New power, loosely based on Healing, but only works on machines, with No Roll Required. 15 points.
Jordi, p. 96
All: Animal Empathy [5]; Role +6 (p. 00) as an animal (applies to all animal vessels, +50%; restricted by normal animal limitations, -50%) [30]. This adds 35 points to each Choir cost, in addition to the costs given below.
Seraphim: Speak with Fish: 10 points.
Cherubim: Speak with Animals (Felines only, -30%). 11 points.
Ofanim: Speak with Animals (Flying vertebrates only, -20%). 12 points.
Elohim: Speak with Animals (Reptiles only, -20%) [12]; resonance enhancement: range increases to anything in line of sight, +50% [15]. Total: 27 points; 12 for non-Elohim.
Malakim: Speak with Animals (Canines and other pack-predators only, -20%). 12 points.
Kyriotates: Mindshare "drone count" becomes 10-99 [+10], a net increase of 20 points; Body-hopping enhancement "Can possess insect swarms," +10% [8]; Speak with Animals (Insects and insect-like "bugs" only, -20%) [12]. Total: 40 points; 12 points for other Choirs.
Mercurians: Speak with Animals (Non-human primates only, -30%). 11 points.
Call of the Wild: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Beast Summoning, including No Roll Required. 20 points.
Animal Magnetism: +3 reaction bonus (Animals only, -50%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%) Total cost: 6 points.
Vassal of Animals: New power, loosely based on Empathy, including No Roll Required. 10 points.
Friend of Beasts:New power, loosely based on +8 reaction bonus, limited to animals only. 20 points.
Master of the Creature Within: Symphonic Knowledge: Animal relations (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Limited scope, -50%). 15 points.
Laurence, p. 98
Seraphim: Symphonic Knowledge: Good/Evil (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Cherubim: Enhances resonance with "No touch required," +25%. 5 points.
Ofanim: Increased Speed x2. 50 points.
Elohim: Enhances resonance with "Reaches into the past Corporeal Power hours," +33%. 10 points.
Malakim: Resonance bonus averaging +3. 4 points.
Kyriotates: Pool of 45 points to be spent on Role, vessel, and Role-related skills and advantages. 45 points.
Mercurians: Body Language skill bonus (Only in combat, -10%) averaging +3. 4 points.
Blade Blessing: New power, loosely based on Claws, including the enhancement Affects Others and the limitations Costs 3 Essence and Only usable on blades. 25 points.
Hunt: Symphonic Link (No Roll Required, +66%; Attunement requires combat instead of touch, -30%; Only gives direction information, -40%). 20 points.
Vassal of the Sword: Imperturbable (p. CI26) [10]; Symphonic Knowledge: Steadiness (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%) [15]. 25 points.
Friend of the Lord's Troops: Symphonic Knowledge: Courage (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%). 15 points.
Master of the Armies of God: New power, similar to Rapier Wit, p. CI29, 5 points.
Marc, p. 100
Seraphim: Symphonic Knowledge: Price-sense (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Eye Contact Only, -20%; Restricted scope, -20%) [18]; Resonance enhancement "Repeated attempts wait only seconds, instead of hours," +10% [3]. 21 points.
Cherubim: Symphonic Knowledge: True owner (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Restricted scope, -30%): 15 points.
Ofanim: Enhancement to the Area Knowledge resonance: "Follow best shipping route," +15%. 5 points.
Elohim: Symphonic Knowledge: Market value (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Restricted scope, -30%). 15 points.
Malakim: Symphonic Knowledge: Personal meaning of possessions (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Eye Contact Only, -20%; variant of Persistent, +20%). 30 points.
Kyriotates: Enhances Body-hopping with No Roll Required, +66%. 53 points.
Mercurians: Resonance enhancement: "Picks up details of recent economic relationships," +100%. 30 points.
Divine Contract: Symphonic Influence: Contract (No Roll Required, +66%; Multiple Targets, +30%; Doesn't work through live media, -33%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%; Automatically resisted, -40%). Total cost: 34 points.
Head of a PIN: Effectively equivalent to Wealthy (No +1 Status bonus, -5 points; Costs 1 Essence, -10%). 14 points.
Vassal of Trade: Symphonic Knowledge: Deal motivations (No media use, -66%; Requires discussion, -10%) [8]; Symphonic Link (No Roll Required, +66%; No limit on attunements, +10%; Attunement based on broken Divine Contract, -40%; Only gives location information, -30%) [22]. 30 points.
Friend of the Shareholders: Symphonic Knowledge: Loopholes (No Roll Required, +66%; Only works on contracts, -75%). 28 points.
Master of Finances: Group skill bonus (limited to use in financial matters, -50%) of +6 to Social skills. 18 points.
Michael, p. 102
All: Trained by a Master [40]. This adds 40 points to all Choirs, in addition to the costs below.
Seraphim: Average+3 bonus to DX (for attacks only, -50%). 15 points.
Cherubim: Resonance enhancement to Danger Sense linking No Roll Required (+66%), to "Only to sense death within 24 hours" (-50%). 3 points.
Ofanim: Enhanced Time Sense. 45 points.
Elohim:Resonance enhancement of "can tell depth of motivation" (+10%), linked to No Roll Required (+66%) and Eye Contact Only (-20%). 17 points.
Malakim: Danger Sense (No Roll Required, +66%). 25 points.
Kyriotates: Can purchase vessels normally, with a -20% limitation on the Extra Life cost of each vessel (cannot abandon vessels, acquire dissonance if body is destroyed), reducing it by 5 points.
Mercurians:Symphonic Knowledge: Peace terms (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Proficiency: Weapons Master or Sharpshooter. 20 or 45 points.
Howl: New power. 20 points.
Vassal of War: "War-singing" is a M/VH language; Vassals have it at IQ. 8 points.
Friend of the Fighters: Unfazeable (Only in combat, -30%). 11 points.
Master of Valor: Adds (Affects Others, +40%; Area Effect, +50%; Selective Effect, +50%; and Extended Duration, +30%) to the Friend Distinction, adding 25 points.
Novalis, p. 104
All: Plant Empathy (p. CI29) [5]. This adds 5 points to all Choirs, in addition to the costs below.
Seraphim: New power, 60 points.
Cherubim: Psionic Healing (Power 10; No Roll Required, +66%; only usable on others, -50%; angel takes all healed damage rather than spending Fatigue, -50%). 20 points.
Ofanim: New power, loosely based on Autoteleport, including the No Roll Required enhancement and the limitations "Only through plants," and a variant of Limited Use: 1/day allowing 2 more times with 1 hour preparation or more). 40 points.
Elohim: Resonance enhancement "Usable on plants" (+5%) [2]; links the optional enhancement No Roll Required (+66%) to the limitations "Only detects emotions recorded by plants" (-30%) and Touch Only (-20%) [5]; and links the optional enhancement "Can learn about recorded emotion sources from plants" (+20%) to Touch Only (-20%) [2]. 9 points.
Malakim: Plant Control (p. SU57; Power 6; No Roll Required, +66%). 20 points.
Kyriotates: Mindshare "drone count" becomes 10-99 [+10], a net increase of 20 points; "Can possess plants" is a +10% enhancement to Body-hopping: 8 points. Total: 28 points.
Mercurians: New power, loosely based on Visualization. 10 points.
Nothing But Flowers: New power, loosely based on a limited form of Invisibility. 15 points.
Crown of Joy: New power. 15 points.
Vassal of Flowers: Symphonic Knowledge: Love/Hate (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -66%). 10 points.
Friend of the Gardeners: New power: 20 points.
Master of Peace: Symphonic Influence: Calm (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Limited effect, -66%). 20 points.
Yves, p. 106
Seraphim: Symphonic Knowledge: Names (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Item local names don't require touch, +3%). The illusion penetration power is a special effect of knowing names – an illusion's true name is "illusion." 25 points.
Cherubim: Resonance enhancement to Danger Sense linking No Roll Required (+66%), to "Only to know time of death within 1 year" (-66%). 3 points.
Ofanim: Average+3 bonus to IQ (Only for knowledge-related skills, -10%). 27 points.
Elohim: Resonance enhancement linking No Roll Required (+66%) to Touch Only (-20%). 14 points.
Malakim: Adds "can determine alignment of disturbance origin," +50%, to Symphonic Awareness. 8 points.
Kyriotates: Adds the Skill and knowledge access enhancement to Body-hopping, increasing resonance cost by 24 points.
Mercurians: Symphonic Knowledge: Subject's future (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%). 24 points.
Divine Destiny:Symphonic Knowledge: Destiny/Fate (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%). 27 points.
Divine Logic: Symphonic Influence: Belief (Preparation Required: 2 minutes of argument, -20%; must believe his own thesis, -5%). 23 points.
Vassal of Destiny: Eidetic Memory (Only for written material, -10%). 54 points.
Friend of the Sages: +6 bonus to IQ (Only for default use of knowledge skills, -25%). 60 points.
Master of Divine Knowledge: The price of this Distinction is the normal cost of the other Choir (including its dissonance), plus the usual 5 points for +1 Celestial Rank.
The Demon Princes
Andrealphus, p. 108
All: +2 to the skills Sex Appeal [2] and Erotic Art [4]. This cancels the -2 penalty that Callous gives these social skills. This adds 6 points to all Bands, in addition to the costs given below.
Balseraphs: Symphonic Influence: Pleasure (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Must inflict sensation personally, -10%). 37 points.
Djinn: Symphonic Influence: Placidity (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Gives influence skill bonus, +20%; Touch Only, -20%; Requires sex first, -33%). 30 points.
Calabim: Resonance enhancement analogous to Affects Insubstantial (+20%), linked to Touch Only (-20%). 1 point.
Habbalah: Removes the -20% Resonance Backlash limitation on Symphonic Influence: Emotions [6]; resonance bonus averaging +3 (Touch Only, -20%) [4]. 10 points.
Lilim: Optional resonance enhancement linking No Roll Required (+66%) with Touch Only (-20%). 14 points.
Shedim: Optional resonance enhancement linking No Roll Required (+66%) to "Only while target is having an orgasm" (-40%) [21]; resonance bonus averaging +3 (Touch Only, -20%) [4]. 25 points.
Impudites: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only with former sex partners, -30%). 3 points.
Dark Desire: Symphonic Influence: Desire (No Roll Required, +66%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%). 47 points.
Kiss of Death: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Deathtouch (p. M27). 10 points.
Knight of Infernal Pleasures: Symphonic Knowledge: Sexual fulfillment (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%). 15 points.
Captain of Diabolical Delight: +4 reaction modifier (Touch Only, -20%). 16 points.
Baron of Eternal Ecstasy: Symphonic Influence: Sexual acts (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; requires former seduction, -33%; Limited effect, -33%). 20 points.
Asmodeus, p. 110
All:Symphonic Knowledge: Band recognition/dissonance (No media use, -66%). 10 points. This must be bought separately, at full cost, for each Band. It must be taken for the demon's own Band; this adds 10 points, in addition to the costs below. (The points toward Roles are part of the Servitor cost, not Band Attunements.)
Shedim: Adds Limited duration (-5%) to Body-hopping [-4]; their Dissonance Condition drops in value from -8 (daily corruption and host death) to -1 point (only host death) [7]. Total: 3 points.
Dissonance Binding:New power, including No Roll Required. 25 points.
Humanity: New power. 30 points.
Knight of Judgment: Charisma +5 (Only affects humans, -10%). 23 points.
Captain of Integrity: Symphonic Knowledge: Liars/Hypocrites (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Baron of Justice: Symphonic Knowledge: Judgement ability (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%). 15 points.
Baal, p. 112
Balseraphs: Group skill bonus averaging +3 (Only for feinting, -50%) to weapon skills. 9 points.
Djinn: Symphonic Knowledge: Flesh-sensing (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Calabim: Resonance bonus averaging +3. 4 points.
Habbalah: Symphonic Knowledge: Nearby conflicts (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Lilim: Group skill bonus averaging +3 to Influence skills (valued at 5 points/level). 15 points.
Shedim: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only to urge combat, -30%). 3 points.
Impudites: The Band Dissonance Condition is reduced from Pacifism: Cannot Kill (humans) [-15], to Cannot Kill (non-combatant humans), reducing its value by 10 points (priced as a half-value Cannot Harm Innocents). 10 points.
Art of Combat: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Great Haste (p. M69). 50 points.
State of Ophis: Removes the -30% Nuisance Effect: "Symphonic disturbance" from the basic celestial form ability. 24 points.
Knight of the Black Order: Symphonic Knowledge: Will to fight (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Captain of the Infernal Armies: Symphonic Knowledge: Subordinate location/health (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Unlimited range, +50%; Restricted scope, -25%). 38 points.
Baron of Victory: New power, loosely based on Enhanced Time Sense. 30 points.
Beleth, p. 114
Balseraphs: Resonance enhancement: can also inflict temporary Phobias, +50%. 15 points.
Djinn: Dream Walking enhancement: No Roll Required, +66%, linked to "Only on attuned subjects," -50%. 3 points.
Calabim: Symphonic Knowledge: Greatest fear (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%). 30 points.
Habbalah: Resonance enhancement: stun transfer, +50%, linked to Touch Only, -20%). 9 points.
Lilim: Resonance enhancement: can also inflict temporary Phobias, +50%. 15 points.
Shedim: Beleth's -10 point Dissonance Condition is removed.
Impudites: Resonance bonus averaging +5 (Requires Dream Walking first, -20%). 5 points.
Dream Walking: See Blandine's Dream Walking attunement. 15 points.
Terror: New power. 45 points.
Knight of Restlessness: New power. 5 points.
Captain of Headhaunters: Symphonic Knowledge: Celestial visitations and dream-tampering (No media use, -66%; Covers last 24 hours, +15%). 15 points.
Baron of Screams: +2 bonus to all four attributes (and thus skills), only in the Marches, -30%. 56 points.
Belial, p. 116
All:Fire Servitors all have the Quirk of "Smokes." -1 point. (This is part of the Servitor cost, not Band Attunements.)
Balseraphs: New power, loosely based on psi Pyrokinesis. 20 points.
Djinn: Optional resonance enhancement linking Unlimited number of attunements, +10%; No Decaying link, +20%; and Can be traced back, -10%. 4 points.
Calabim: Enhances resonance with Extra damage, +50%, and Doesn't Cause Disturbance, +25%. 15 points.
Habbalah: Resonance enhancement linking "Target thinks he's on fire," +50%, with Touch Only, -20%. 9 points.
Lilim: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only added for Contest to "set" Geas to destroy, -30%). 3 points.
Shedim: Possessing flames is a +25% resonance enhancement. 20 points.
Impudites: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only in the presence of fire, -30%). 3 points.
Incendiary:New power, 25 points.
Firewalker: Invulnerability: Fire (But not heat, -10%), Fire/Heat is considered a Rare attack in the In Nomine setting [68]; Healing (p. P15; Power 6; No Roll Required, +66%; Reduced Fatigue Cost -2, +40%; only when touching flames, -10%; Self only, -30%; Limited Use: 1/day, -40%) [23]. Total: 91 points.
Knight of the Infernal Furnaces: Minor variant of Infravision. 15 points.
Captain of the Eternal Fire: New power. 5 points.
Baron of the Demonic Brazier: Removes the -10% limitation on Firewalker [7]; Enhances Invulnerability to Fire/Heat with Affects Others (+40%) and 4 levels of Extended Duration (+120%) linked to Touch Only (-20%) [105]. Total: 112 points.
Haagenti, p. 118
Balseraphs: Resonance enhancement: Can make target Gluttonous (+66%) – this includes removing the -20% limitations for the Balseraph to believe and speak his lie. 20 points.
Djinn: Symphonic Knowledge: Closest glutton (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%) [15]; resonance enhancement linking No Roll Required (+66%), Success is always critical (+50%), and Only usable on people with Gluttony (-66%) [10]. 25 points.
Calabim: Additional Rite giving 1 Essence. 2 points.
Habbalah: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only when projecting hunger, -25%). 3 points.
Lilim: Skill bonus averaging +3 to Cooking [2]; Symphonic Influence: Hell of a Cook (Preparation Required: 1 hour, -50%) [15]; resonance enhancement linking No Roll Required (+66%) to a limited effect (level 2 hook, -10%) [17]. 34 points.
Shedim: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only on subjects with Gluttony, -40%). 3 points.
Impudites: Resonance enhancement linking removal of the "Must charm first" limitation (+25%) with Touch Only (-20%), Disturbs Symphony (-10%, based on typical human Essence levels), and Can only steal all Essence (-20%). 3 points.
Consume: Symphonic Knowledge: Secret desire (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -75%; Linked to consumption compulsion, +10%) [11]; Symphonic Influence: Consume (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Cannot control effect, -66%; Linked to desire-sensing, +10%) [24]. 35 points.
Devour: New power, loosely based on Disintegrate (p. SU59) at Power 2 (2d damage). 15 points.
Knight of Banquets: New power, loosely based on "Sense" powers in GURPS Supers. 10 points.
Captain of Cannibals: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Season (p. G43). 1 point.
Baron of Satanic Dishes: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Illusion Shell (p. M51). 10 points.
Kobal, p. 120
All: Kobal's Band Attunements include Rites capable of generating 2 Essence [4]; this cost is in addition to the Band attunements below.
Shedim: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only to provoke silly/degrading actions, -10%). 4 points.
Impudites: Exemption from the Impudite Band Dissonance Condition (Only when playing jokes, -75%). 15 points.
Prank:Symphonic Influence: Silly illusions (Multiple targets, +30%; Costs 2 Essence, -20%; No live media use, -33%) [24]. "Skill" bonus averaging +3 to Prank [3]. 27 points.
Knight of Derision: Symphonic Influence: Humor (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Minor effect, -66%). 20 points.
Captain of Repartee: Symphonic Influence: Weaken impact (No Roll Required, +66%; Requires pithy remark, -10%; No live media use, -33%; Minor effect, -66%). 18 points.
Baron of Hysteria: Symphonic Knowledge: Sense of humor (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%) [15]; also a variant of Rapier Wit [5]. 20 points.
Kronos, p. 122
Balseraphs: Total cost: that of the Choir taken, with the changes noted in the text.
Djinn: Danger Sense (No Roll Required; +66%; Only applies to attuned targets, -50%; Only to sense death within 24 hours, -50%) [10];.resonance enhancement: Breaks Cherub attunements, +50% [10]. Total: 20 points.
Calabim: Resonance enhancement: "time lapse decay," +20%. 5 points. No Discord is a 0-point feature – Calabite Discords are taken as normal disadvantages.
Habbalah: "Fated Future" attunement enhancement worth +33%. 10 points.
Lilim: Symphonic Knowledge: Disadvantages (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%) [20]; resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only for targets of successful Influence skills/powers, -20%) [4]. Total: 24 points.
Shedim: Symphonic Influence: Time-sense distortion (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Limited Use: 1/day, -40%; Minor effect, -66%) [9]; resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only with Time-sense distortion, -50%) [2]. 11 points.
Impudites: Symphonic Knowledge: Personal history (No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Duration extends back to birth, +66%). 24 points.
Fated Future: Symphonic Knowledge: Destiny/Fate (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Costs 3 Essence, -30%). 21 points.
Temporal Projection: New power, 50 points.
Knight of the Winged Chariot: Chronolocation [15]; Symphonic Knowledge: Object age (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Restricted scope, -66%) [8]; Symphonic Knowledge: Object's darkest deed (No media use, -66%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%) [8]. Total: 31 points.
Captain of the Infernal Hourglass: New power, 15 points.
Baron of the Book of Days: Symphonic Knowledge: History of one century (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -66%). 10 points.
Lilith, p. 124
Since Lilith has no permanent Servitors, she has no Band or Servitor Attunements, nor does she commonly grant Distinctions.
Malphas, p. 126
Balseraphs: Symphonic Influence: Opinion transfer (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Demon must hold the opinion projected, -35%; Only one target affected at any time, -33%). 20 points.
Djinn: Symphonic Influence: Hatred (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Only affects attuned, -67%). 20 points.
Calabim: Symphonic Influence: Relationship destruction (No live media use, -33%; Range limited to Will feet, -20%) [15]; "skill" bonus averaging +3 when using this power [4]. 19 points. This is considered an enhancement to resonance.
Habbalah: Symphonic Influence: Intolerance on one topic (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Must know opinion reinforced, -10%; Minor effect, -67%). 17 points.
Lilim: Augments resonance with Symphonic Influence: Fascination (No live media use, -33%, Eye Contact Only, -20%). 15 points.
Shedim: Removes the Host mind remains (-30%) resonance limitation. 24 points.
Impudites: Symphonic Knowledge: Trust weak points (No media use, -66%; Limited effect, -1%) [10]; enhancement to Steal Essence resonance removing the limitations, +40%, and adding No Roll Required, +66%, linked to "Only usable on trust-breaking victims," -33%, and Preparation Required: typically 8 hours (-60%) [11]. Total: 21 points (10 for other Bands).
Imbroglio: Symphonic Influence: Hostile misunderstanding (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Area Effect, +50%; Costs 1 Essence, -10%). 52 points.
Polarize:Symphonic Influence: Conflict (No live media use, -33%; Second target need not be present, +33%). 30 points.
Knight of Deception: Symphonic Knowledge: Hatred (No Roll Required, +66%; Both subject and object of hatred must be present, -35%; No media use, -66%). 20 points.
Captain of the Broken Promise: Symphonic Knowledge: Betrayal (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Restricted scope, -30%). 15 points.
Baron of Inner Torment: Symphonic Knowledge: Secrets (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Touch Only, -20%; Extended scope, +20%). 30 points.
Nybbas, p. 128
All: Ally of 76-100 character points, appearing almost all the time (15 or less) [15]. This cost is in addition to the Band point costs, below.
Balseraphs: Resonance enhancement linking "Directly affects media," +40%, and "No speech required," +10%. 15 points.
Djinn: Resonance enhancement: Permanently attuned to Ally, +15%. 5 points.
Habbalah: Role +6 (p. 32) as "spirit guide." 30 points.
Lilim: Role +3 (p. 32) [15] plus 15 more points in Status or Reputation. 30 points.
Soundtrack: New power, loosely based on Precognition, including No Roll Required and Costs 1 Essence. 10 points.
Subliminal: New power, loosely based on Quick Gadgeteer, including No Roll Required and Costs at least 2 Essence. 35 points.
Knight of Influence: +2 (corporeal) Status [10] and a special 3 Essence Rite [6]. Total: 16 points.
Captain of Swank: +4 (corporeal) Reputation (large class: media fans, all the time). 10 points.
Baron of the Fourth Estate: Enhancement of Subliminal, +100%. 35 points.
Saminga, p. 130
Balseraphs: Adds the limitation "Doesn't apply to deaths from bare-handed attacks" (-20%) to Disturbs Symphony. 3 points.
Djinn: The dissonance change doesn't change the dissonance Quirk's cost [0]. Symphonic Knowledge: Undead sense (No Roll Required, +66%;.No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -66%) [10]. Total: 10 points.
Calabim: Symphonic Knowledge: Hit points (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%). 20 points.
Habbalah: New power, loosely based on Telecontrol, with the limitation "Only works on corpses." 20 points.
Lilim: Pool of 20 points to spend on undead Allies or an Ally Group of undead.
Shedim: Resonance enhancement: Corpse-possession, +15% [12]. The net point value of a corpse host is negative, so the advantages gained are worth no extra points. 12 points.
Impudites: Resonance enhancement to Steal Essence: Can tap recently-dead corpses, +25% [10]. Entirely removes the Band dissonance condition [20]. Total: 30 points.
Zombi: New power, loosely based on Inherent Magic of Zombie (p. M73). 20 points.
Vampiric Kiss: Steal Essence (p. 73; Touch Only, -20%; Victim must be willing or charmed, -20%; Drains hits instead of Essence, +40%). 40 points.
Knight of the Dead:Symphonic Knowledge: Death scene (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -66%). 10 points.
Captain of the Infernal Legion: Metabolism Control +4. 20 points.
Baron of the Undead Kingdom: Symphonic Knowledge: Subordinate undead location (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Unlimited range, +50%; Restricted scope, -50%) [30]; Symphonic Knowledge: Corpse sensing (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -66%) [10]. Total: 40 points.
Valefor, p. 132
Balseraphs: Resonance bonus averaging +3. 4 points.
Djinn: Ally, typically 76-100 points, appears almost all the time. 15 points.
Calabim: Group skill bonus (worth 6 points/level) averaging +3 to Thief/Spy skills (Only for use in breaking free of restraints, -20%). 15 points.
Habbalah: New power. 5 points.
Lilim: Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only for Will contest, -25%). 3 points.
Shedim: Body of Air super-advantage (Requires Vision roll to detect, +50%; Nuisance Effect: Temporary Disadvantage: Mute, -25%). 63 points.
Impudites: Symphonic Influence: Clear out! (No Roll Required, +66%; Area Effect, +50%; No media use, -33%; Restricted range -3 (6 yards), -15%; Restricted scope, -85%) [25]. Symphonic Knowledge: Stolen goods (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -
66%; Restricted scope, -50%) [15]. Total: 40 points.
Passage: New power. 15 points.
Swipe: New power, loosely based on Exoteleport with No Roll Required, Costs 2 Essence, and Touch Only. 35 points.
Knight of Kleptos: Secret version of Sign Language at IQ. 2 points.
Captain of Corsairs: New power, based on Danger Sense (No Roll Required, +66%). 25 points.
Baron of Buccaneers: Enhanced Move: running [10], swimming [10], flying [10], and celestial movement [10]; new power: Stealth use while moving [5]. Total cost: 45 points.
Vapula, p. 134
Balseraphs: Symphonic Knowledge: Object uses (No Roll Required +66%; No live media use, -33%; Restricted scope, -33%) [30]; Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only to inflate capabilities of some object, -50%) [2]. Total: 32 points (30 for non-Balseraphs).
Djinn: Artifact with the Symphonic Link power at skill 16 (Breakable, -15%; Can Be Hit at -4, -15%; Can Be Stolen with Contest of ST, -30%). 8 points.
Habbalah: Resonance enhancement linking No Resonance Backlash, +25%, and "Can stun with amplified emotions," +50%, with "Only usable on people with strong emotions," -25% [15]; "Mood Ring" artifact: Symphonic Knowledge: Emotions (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Breakable, -15%; Can Be Hit at -6, -10%; Can Only Be Taken by Stealth or Trickery, -10%) [20]. Total: 35 points (20 for the artifact, for non-Habbalah).
Lilim: Group skill bonus averaging +3 to Computer skills, at 3 points/level [9]; Resonance bonus averaging +3 (Only on scientists, engineers, mechanics, etc., -25%) [3]. Total: 12 points (9 for non-Lilim).
Shedim: Computer vessel: Extra Life (Nuisance Effect: Temporary Disadvantage: Quadriplegic, -50%) [13]; also grants a skill bonus averaging +3 to possession resonances or Song of Possession [4]. Total: 17 points.
Impudites: Extra Essence (priced as Extra Fatigue) +9 [27]. "Essence Glasses" Artifact: Symphonic Knowledge: Essence levels (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -33%) for a base cost of 20 points for the artifact, then modified with (Breakable, -15%; Can Be Hit at -4, -15%; Can Be Stolen with Contest of ST, -30%) [8]. Total: 35 points (8 for the artifact for non-Impudites).
Invention: "Quick" Gadgeteer (Only to embed appropriate Songs or attunements in an object for a limited time, -50%). 25 points.
Knight of Combustion: +2 group skill bonus (at 6 points/level) covering any skills used to operate devices, including Electronics Operation, Computer Operation, Vehicle skills, some high-tech medical skills, and most ranged weapon skills. 12 points.
Inspector: Symphonic Knowledge: Device faults (No Roll Required, +66%; No media use, -66%; Restricted scope, -50%). 15 points.
Baron of Gremlins: Symphonic Influence: Defect generation (No Roll Required, +66%; No live media use, -33%; Touch Only, -20%; Minor effect, -30%). 25 points.

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