GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons – Cover

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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons

Available as a digital file!

Written by Matt Riggsby * Edited by Sean Punch * Cartography by Matt Riggsby
Illustrated by Dominick Critelli

GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch

13 pages. PDF. * Price TBA * Stock number 37-0372
Always AvailableClick here to buy!

Good Things, Small Packages

Sometimes you need a really quick adventure for a short game session, or to stop the gap between grander quests, or as a "test run" for new players. It's easy enough to make stuff up, but it's even easier to let somebody else make stuff up! That's the idea behind GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons.

Each of these five mini-adventures offers a map keyed to brief notes on how to use it. They're generic enough to be slotted into just about any campaign, with the GM adding whatever setup and resolution seem fitting. Yet they're different enough to be memorable, with unique twists and challenges for the heroes to overcome.

A few extra arrows in the quiver are as handy for GMs as they are for delvers!

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