Written by Sean Punch
Illustrated by Paul Daly, Shane L. Johnson, Dan Smith, Ruth Thompson, and Jason Walton
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
60 pages. PDF.
Price $9.99
Stock number 37-0327
Always Available – Click here to buy!
Back to Nature
Is a dungeon absolutely essential to killing things and taking their stuff? Not really! Every fantasy hero spends at least as much time trekking through the wilds as skulking underground – and of course the great outdoors is big, which spells opportunity. So don't let the "Dungeon" in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures fool you. This weighty work gives you the tools you need to show Nature who's boss:
- Adventurers. Learn which fantasy professions are wilderness-ready, how to whip pasty city boys and tunnel-crawlers into shape, and what Allies and henchmen to bring on the trip.
- Equipment. Buy new wilderness gear – including boats, carts, and other vehicles – and find out what old stuff is worth its place in your pack.
- Tasks and feats. Exploit detailed rules for camping, foraging, travel, and mapping . . . wilderness stunts and movement . . . scouting and tracking . . . and of course outdoor combat!
- Challenges and dangers. Know your surroundings, from purely static terrain and weather, through dynamic hazards like avalanches and tornadoes, to deliberate traps and ambushes.
- The big picture. Discover how to work all this into an existing campaign or a new one – with practical advice on matters of setting and scale.
- And more! Getting lost, aerial scouting, mounted combat, making stone axes, despoiling nature, being shipwrecked, druidic abilities in the wild . . . if it's wilderness-themed, it's here.
Whatever your outdoor needs might be, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures is sure to help you dig your GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign out of a hole!

- Follow the complete Dungeon Fantasy line for even more dungeon-crawling fun.
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