
Written by Peter V. Dell'Orto and Sean Punch
Edited by Sean Punch
Illustrated by Guy Burwell, Thomas Floyd, and Ed Northcott
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
43 pages. PDF.
Price $7.99
Stock number 37-0326
Always Available – Click here to buy!
My People Will Handle It
Sometimes you want a faithful assistant, not a mighty peer with his eye on your share of the loot! From the snarling barbarian's glib agent to the fragile wizard's hardy bodyguard, all the way down the pay scale to horse-minders, potion-tasters, and valets, there are countless roles that delvers need filled yet deem beneath them. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen gives you everything you need to create these helpers:
- Templates for 10 distinct 125-point archetypes (agent, apprentice, archer, brute, cutpurse, initiate, killer, sage, skirmisher, and squire) and five 62-point callings (cultist, guard, laborer, servant, and torch-bearer), each with detailed customization notes.
- Everything you need to use these templates for hirelings, including rules for recruitment, loyalty, and pay.
- Advice on treating these henchmen as Allies: evaluating the advantage, handling NPC advancement, and weighing the campaign ramifications of permanent associates.
- Thoughts on adapting such roles for PCs in low-powered, mixed-power-level, and standard 250-point campaigns.
- A dozen 125-point lenses – adept, burglar, champion, gadgeteer, genin, learned, monk, priest, psi, treasure-hunter, troubadour, and veteran – that mix and match with the templates to get a wide variety of high-end henchmen and custom PC professions.
- New perks and power-ups for companions and flunkies.
- Guidelines for adding nonhuman racial templates to the mix for henchmen and custom PCs alike.
Whether you want to beef up an undersized party, give egotistical heroes a way to trade excess cash or points for minions, or kick off your Dungeon Fantasy campaign at a lower power level, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen has what you need.

- Follow the complete Dungeon Fantasy line for even more dungeon-crawling fun.
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