Written by Peter V. Dell'Orto
Edited by Jason "PK" Levine
Illustrated by Ed Northcott, Dan Smith, and Jason Walton
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
51 pages. PDF.
Price TBA
Stock number 37-0330
Always Available – Click here to buy!
Civilization Is for the Weak
Orderly farms and towns can provide you with ale, but they also create structure that crushes the spirit, replacing righteous rage and self-reliance with ridiculous manners and clothing that'll get you killed in the real world. Come the next dark age, when dragons darken the skies, demons wander the frozen wastes, and the cities are in ruins, those fancy bards and elf princes will look to the folk they called "barbarians" to defend them. And maybe you'll help – if they saved you the last of the ale!
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians is the first in a series of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens guides to the delving professions. It details the crude, angry, oversized, and surprisingly complex world of barbarians, including:
- Variant templates. The basic barbarian is an all-round survivor, but the savage lands have their share of heroes who are more warriors than outdoorsmen, or vice versa – not to mention those who wield the terrifying power of Rage.
- Lenses. Play even more to type as a sea raider or a berserker, or by eschewing armor in favor of raw grit. Or play against type just to be ornery . . . not all of your kind are giants, and some are actually refined (ale is really nice) and even learn the ways of other professions.
- Power-ups. Get bigger, tougher, stronger, and angrier as you adventure. Choose from a long list of options, including 20 perks, more than a dozen barbaric feats, animal companions, and the all-new power of Rage with its mighty shouts and skinchanging abilities. Show those pansy spellcasters the screaming war-face of true power!
- Gear. Dine on mountain rations and rageahol, smear yourself with war paint, snatch up truly huge weapons, and lay waste to your enemies. Discover just how effective crudeness can be, and learn of storied tribal relics to quest after.
- And more! Extensive customization advice, alternative wildcard skills, thoughts on getting the most from Outdoorsman, new combat maneuvers, special modifiers for your abilities . . . barbarians are capable above all else.
When fast-talking cityfolk, dishonorable magic-users, and cowards in shining armor make you want to snap off a stalactite and pound some enemies into the ground, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians is your go-to guide!

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