Written by Robert M. Schroeck and Scott D. Pinkham
Edited by Laird Popkin
Cover art by Mark Poutenis
Illustrated by Michael Brown and Mark Poutenis
Published by Modern Myth Publishing
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
48 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $8.00
Stock number MMP0101
ISBN 0-96342-731-8
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
IST Kingston: It's not just a job, it's a vacation!
Welcome to the newest of the United Nations' International Super Team embassies, IST Kingston. Set on the sunny shores of tropical Jamaica, IST Kingston is a super-fortress disguised as a resort complex. Home to a team of dedicated metahuman heroes, IST Kingston is the U.N.'s watchdog on the volatile Caribbean.
IST Kingston is a supplement for Steve Jackson Games' Generics Universal RolePlaying System, for use with the GURPS Supers and GURPS International Super Teams sourcebooks. It contains an entire IST embassy compound, completely staffed and equipped and ready to go. Fight drug smuggling in the international waters around Jamaica, combat metahuman criminals in and around Kingston, confront social issues in the slums of Trenchtown and the Jungle, go head-to-head with an apocalyptic Castro, or face down the super agents of non-U.N. Guatemala.
IST Kingston includes:
- Complete maps of the newest IST embassy.
- Fully fleshed out members of the embassy support staff.
- Guides to Jamaica and the Caribbean in the IST world.
- Six pregenerated supers, usable as PCs or as extra team members to quick-start a GURPS Supers campaign.
- Three all-new metavillains, with their agendas and plans – and patrons.
- An extended adventure seed, in which the PC's must save the new embassy from destruction by a mysterious attacking force!
- And the requisite much, much more!

- GURPS Supers – The definitive GURPS Third Edition sourcebook for superpowers and the supers genre.
- GURPS Supers: International Super Teams – Join the U.N.'s super-police!
- GURPS Supers (for GURPS Fourth Edition) – A comprehensive playbook to the supers genre and to capturing it in your campaign.
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

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