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What They're Saying About GURPS Egypt
"One of the shining areas of GURPS Egypt is the detailed account of daily life in Ancient Egypt. This chapter gives an insight into the day to day lives of ancient Egyptians and how they lived and died. This chapter was fascinating in that it debunked some of the stories I had previously heard of ancient Egyptian life. While I suspect that some parts of their culture were glossed over, this section is well worth the price of the book alone."
– RPGnet review by Paul Franklin, October 20th, 1998.
"This is another in Steve Jackson's line of historical GURPS books. Each of these books is filled with wonderful campaign, and historical information . . . and as good as each book is, each following book seems to be better. These books come highly recommended, and GURPS Egypt is one of the best yet."
– RPGnet review by Scott Shafer, October 31th, 1998.
"Steve Jackson Games has a rightfully earned reputation as THE place to go for historical sourcebooks. GURPS Egypt carries on in that lofty tradition. Chock full of maps, diagrams and interesting information . . . this is a book that belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in the world's oldest true civilization, whether they are gamers or not. "
– Bob Portnell, RPGnet, August 28th, 1998.

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