Adding a little Hârnmaster to GURPS
by Hal Carmer
This article appears by permission of N. Robin Crossby, Columbia Games
(publisher of Hârn), Auran Ltd. (owner of electronic rights in Hârnworld),
and Steve Jackson Games.
The purpose of this article is to help those GMs who either use
GURPS in their HÂRNWORLD campaigns, or desire to modify the wound recovery
system of GURPS to better reflect the seriousness of combat on player
characters. I have rewritten elements of the rules for wound recovery and
damage results from HÂRNMASTER first edition so as to be useful in a GURPS
game system. The purpose of this conversion is not to make combat more
complex, but to make recovering from the damage of combat a bit more realistic.
What Does It All Mean?
In GURPS, damage done to any creature is based upon the strength of the
individual either swinging or jabbing with his weapon. Like many game
systems, GURPS uses HIT POINTS to describe how much damage an individual
may take. But what is the difference between a 2 point swing of a mace
upon a leg, and a 4 point swing of a mace upon a leg? More importantly,
what is the difference between a 2 point bruise, and a 4 point cut?
In GURPS COMPENDIUM II, it lists different types of wound levels, and
gives a descriptive label for such a wound. As fate would have it, these
descriptions almost match exactly the wound descriptions given in
HARNMASTER. Consequently, one of the best features of the wound recovery
system of HÂRNMASTER can be integrated almost seamlessly.
Rates of healing:
GURPS uses a standard healing roll of HT, or HT+2 if a doctor is present
to help recover lost hit points. Certain advantages and disadvantages
modify the health saving roll to determine if the character recovers a hit
point or not. In COMPENDIUM II, the optional rules permit the character to
record his wounds in different areas, and roll for each wound when rolling
for hit point recovery. In the original GURPS BASIC SET, three one point
wounds would combine into a 3 point total, and at best, barring any
critical success rolls, take three days to fully heal. With the new
optional rules in GURPS COMPENDIUM II, a character can recover from those
wounds in just one day – providing he makes all of his health saving rolls
for every individual wound.
What I propose to change however, based upon HÂRNMASTER, is to modify the
HT saving roll strictly by the damage that was done on a per wound basis.
Both game systems have the following four results: Critical success, normal
success, normal failure, and critical failure. In HÂRNMASTER, each type of
success modified the actual healing rate of a wound. In a nutshell, if you
received no medical aid, or the person administering medical aid failed in
their attempts to help – the character had a more or less "natural" healing
rate. On a successful aid roll, the healing rate was improved, while on a
critical success, the healing rate was at its best level possible. A
critical failure of course, worsened the healing rate, and if the wound was
serious enough to begin with, even jeopardize the patient's life!
Damage Descriptions – please note that all wound points per wound are kept
separate. You do not add a 2 point wound to the arm, to an 8 point wound
to the arm for a 9+ level wound, they are treated as two separate wounds of
2 and 8 points. All standard rules regarding potential crippling remain in
All types of attacks that do exactly 1 point of damage are deemed
superficial. As such, all superficial wounds heal automatically after one
day of rest.
Bruise: Minor Concussion/squeeze for 2 or 3 points of damage.
Requires minor first aid treatment in the form of a compress.
Fracture: Hairline/Simple fracture for 4 to 8 points of damage. Requires
a splint as part of the treatment.
Crush: Compound Fracture/Pulped flesh for 9 or more points of damage.
Requires Surgury as part of the treatment.
Minor cut: Shallow cut 1 to 2 inches long for 2 or 3 points of damage.
Requires that the victim have the wound cleaned and bandaged.
Serious cut: Cut 2 to 6 inches long for 4 to 8 points. Wound must be
cleaned and dressed.
Grievous Cut: Deep/long cut for 9 or more points of damage. Requires Surgery.
Minor stab: Puncture 1" deep for 2 or 3 points of damage. Requires
cleaning and Dressing.
Serious Stab: Puncture 3: deep for 4 to 8 points of damage. Requires
cleaning and Dressing.
Grievous Stab: Deep puncture for 9 or more points of damage. Requires
Using the Treatment Table:
As mentioned earlier, there are four types of results that an attending
first aid provider or physician can deliver. On a critical success, the
healing rate is the best possible. On a normal success, the healing rate
is improved, while a failure is treated as "no treatment" and a critical
failure worsens the wound and or worsens the healing rate. When using the
treatment table below, cross-index the success type of the first aid (or
lack there-of) with the wound level. The number in the column is the HT
saving roll modifier. Other information may be included to indicate
complications as a result of the wound.
Wound Type | Treatment | Fail or None | Crit Fail | Normal Success | Crit Success |
Bruise | compress | +0 | -1 | +1 | heal in 1 day |
Fracture | splint | -1* | -2* | +0 | +1 |
Crush | Surgery | -2* | Bleeder** | -1* | +0 |
Minor cut | cleaned & dressed | +0 | -1 | +1 | heal in 1 day |
Serious cut | cleaned & dressed | -1 | Bleeder | +0 | +1 |
Grievous Cut | Surgery. | -2* | Bleeder*** | -1* | +0 |
Minor stab | cleaned & dressed | +0 | -1 | +1 | heal in 1 day |
Serious Stab | cleaned & dressed | -1* | Bleeder** | +0 | +1 |
Grievous Stab | Surgery | -2* | Bleeder*** | -1* | +0 |
Special Results:
Any wound with no treatment, or unsuccessful treatment is considered to be
an open wound for purposes of infection.
* Means that the GM must roll versus the character's HT or suffer a GM
inflicted disadvantage. This is left up to the GM to interpret based upon
where the wound resulted. Any failure by more than 2 means that the
disadvantage is permanent. Example: Character suffers a 4-point wound to
his arm. GM notices that the player fails his HT saving roll by 2 and
decides that for now, until the wound heals, and for 3 months afterwards -
the player is at -1 DX for use of that particular arm. The GM could
instead have ruled, that the player is in constant pain, and suffer a -1
will reduction until the wound heals.
Bleeder** means that the wound is opened again, and is bleeding. Patient
must stop bleeding before the caregiver can try to continue giving aid.
For those patients close to death to begin with, this result can cause them
to die. Use standard GURPS bleeding rules.
Bleeder*** means that this particular wound is really a gusher. Victim
must make 4 successive HT saving rolls instead of the usual 3 before the
bleeding stops. Once the bleeding is under control, the caregiver can
again attempt to render aid.
How to Use These Rules
When using these rules, players must keep track of individual wounds. A
character who has suffered 4 slashing wounds of 3 points, 6 points, 1
point, and 2 points, will have suffered a total of 12 points – enough to
render him unconscious as per normal GURPS rules. When he rolls for wound
recovery however, he rolls four times. Once per wound. If we assume that
the doctor who treated his wounds got normal successes for each wound, the
rolls would be thus:
1 superficial wound, 2 minor cuts, and one serious cut. The superficial
wound automatically heals after 1 day. The minor cuts however, require
HT+1 saving rolls to heal one point. The serious cut requires a straight
HT saving roll.
Healing Rolls:
Critical failures during healing rolls increase the HT saving roll
penalty by -1. Thus, someone with a HT saving roll of -1 for a wound would
discover that complications involving that wound have changed it from HT-1
to HT-2. Also, if this is an open wound due to major burns (4+ points of
burns) or from any cutting or impaling wound – treat this wound as being
Normal failures during the healing saving roll mean that there is no
healing done for that day, but no penalty either – unless this is the first
healing roll. If this is the first healing roll for any open wound, cut,
or impaling wound of 4+ points – treat this wound as though it were
infected. Note too, that a critical failure on a HT saving roll for the
first healing roll of that particular wound – regardless of the points of
damage done, results in an infected wound.
Normal success during the healing roll results in a recovery of 1 Hit
point, while a critical success will regain 2 hit points.
If a wound should become infected, the player must now make saving rolls
to shake off the infection before he can attempt to regain lost hit points
through normal healing. Keep track of the healing penalties accrued during
the process. Once the penalty has reached a negative 4, the patient has
contracted gangrene and requires drastic measures to save his life. A
negative 5 means that the patient has departed for the afterlife.
A Critical failure of HT saving roll to shake infection results in an
additional -2 penalty to the victim's HT saving roll. There is a 2 in 6
chance that the infection will spread to an adjacent location (i.e. forearm
to upper arm, upper arm to chest, etc).
A normal failure will result in an additional -1 penalty to the Health
Saving roll with a 1 in 6 chance of the infection spreading.
A normal success will increase the HT saving roll by a +1 bonus, while a
critical success increase the HT saving roll bonus by +2. If at any time,
the overall modified HT saving roll reaches a +1 after an infection has set
in, the infection dies out.
Example of an infection:
Mighty Mike, fearless, and as some might say, lacking in the brains
department – wins yet another duel. During the course of his duel, he
receives a serious cut to his arm. Unfortunately, the doctor at the field
is a quack. His administrations do nothing for Mike, so his healing saving
roll is at HT-1. As it turns out, Mike has a HT of 11, but rolls a 13 on
his first healing roll for his wound. This results in a normal failure
which means that his wound is infected. As fate would have it, the next
night he rolls a 17 – critical failure! His healing roll was originally at
-1, and is now at -3. The doctor gravely informs Mike that either the arm
comes off, or Mike must undergo cauterization (see below). Mike is now on
the horns of a dilemma – does he attempt to keep the use of his arm but
risk his life, or does he lose his arm now, and assure his survival? He
has two choices if he wants to keep his arm. He can allow the doctor to
cauterize his wound, and possibly die that way, or he can let nature take
its course and hope for the best. Mike doesn't want to die, but he can't
face the future as a one armed cripple either. He tells the doctor to go
ahead and cauterize his wound. Fortunately, the doctor manages not to
bungle the wound and Mike's healing bonus is increased back up to -2
instead of being at -3. Mike is still unlucky, and manages to roll an 11 -
a normal failure. Again his Health saving roll is at -3. Unfortunately
for Mike however, he is unconscious and unable to voice his opinions. The
doctor, knowing Mike's wishes, leaves him to his fate and heads home. Mike
manages to roll a 7 the next day, and his Healing saving roll is now up to
-2. His lucky trend continues for another day, raising his Healing saving
roll to HT-1. Finally, after four more days, Mike finally rolls enough
successes to get his Healing saving roll back up to a +1 – snuffing out the
infection. After fighting an infection for nine days, Mike may now roll to
recover hit points.
A doctor may decide that the only feasible treatment for a massive
frostbiten, or gangrene infected limb is to amputate. This will
automatically end the chance of the patient dying due to infection at the
cost of turning said patient into a cripple. If the doctor rolls a crit
failure during the amputation surgery – treat the patient has having gone
into shock and died. Otherwise, save for the crippling, the patient is all
If at any time, a doctor desires to insure that a wound is not considered
to be an open wound, he may use cauterization to improve his patient's
chances. This is not fool proof however. Roll versus the doctor's surgery
skill. A critical failure results in lowering the healing saving roll by a
-2. A normal failure reduces the healing modifier by a -1. A normal
success increases the healing modifier by a +1, with a crit success
increasing it by +2.

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