Announcing Batman: The Animated Series Dice Game
This November, Steve Jackson Games and Cryptozoic Entertainment, in partnership with DC Comics, are publishing a new game based on Batman: The Animated Series. Players take on the roles of the most nefarious villains in Gotham City in this newest member of the One More Roll™ line of press-your-luck dice games, joining Dino Hunt Dice, Trophy Buck, and Zombie Dice.
In Batman: The Animated Series Dice Game, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, The Riddler, and The Joker are attempting bank heists all across Gotham City. Assume the role of one of these evil-doers and use your unique power to foil the World's Greatest Detective and escape with the most loot!
"I am vengeance! I am the night!" said Steve Jackson Games COO Sam Mitschke, before fwooshing down a hallway, wishing he had a cape.
Batman: The Animated Series Dice Game is designed by Sam Mitschke and Randy Scheunemann and is scheduled for release in November 2016.
About Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games, based in Austin, Texas, has been publishing games, game books, and magazines since 1980. Its best-selling game is Munchkin, with almost 7 million copies of the games and supplements in print worldwide. Other top sellers are GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Zombie Dice, and Illuminati. Past hits have included Car Wars and Toon. Steve's very first game, Ogre, originally released in 1977, drew almost a million dollars' worth of Kickstarter support in 2012 for a super-deluxe edition, which was released in late 2013.
About Cryptozoic Entertainment
Founded in 2010, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Inc. is a premier developer and publisher of original and licensed board games, card games, comics and trading cards, including the DC Comics™ Deck-Building Game, The Walking Dead™ Board Game, The Big Bang Theory: The Party Game and Ghostbusters™ : The Board Game, one of the most funded tabletop games in Kickstarter history. Following a philosophy and core principle of "Fans First," the dedicated gamers and fans of the Cryptozoic Entertainment team are focused on producing fun and amazing products along with epic events that bring all gaming fans together as part of the Cryptozoic community. Visit www.cryptozoic.com for more information about product releases.
About DC Comics
DC Entertainment, home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, etc.), Vertigo (Sandman, Fables, etc.) and MAD, is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and Time Warner. DC Entertainment works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, and interactive games. Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels, and magazines each year, DC Entertainment is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics in the world.
Rhea Friesen, Marketing Director
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