Card Changes
Differences Between Limited and Later Editions
Updated May 6, 1995 by John Karakash
This is a complete list of card changes (except trivial art touch-ups) between the Limited Edition of INWO and the first printing of the Unlimited Edition (and the Factory Set, which was created at almost the same time). It was prepared by actual reference to the printed cards . . . just to make sure that it is a record of what we did, and not just what we intended to do!
Note that for tournament purposes, the NEW card text is the text that rules. For instance, if you have a "Reload" card from the Limited Edition, then - for tournament purposes - its text is considered to be the text below, and not what the card actually says! We hope you like this solution better than just banning the old cards . . . we do.
Executive Summary Of The Most Important Changes
(but look at the listings below to get the whole story!)
ZURICH has lost its bonus to control Corporate groups.
SHANGRI-LA now explicitly gets its +5 defense against Instant attacks.
"Reload" cards are now weaker and require an Illuminati action to use. The "Reloads" are: "Reload" (Violent); "Flower Power" (Peaceful); "Dollars for Decency" (Straight); "Freaking the Mundanes" (Weird); "New Federal Budget" (Government); "Tax Breaks" (C onservative); "Pledge Drive" (Liberal); "Red Scare" (Conservative); "Full Moon" (Fanatic); "Gang War" (Criminal); and "Bank Merger" (Banks).
Upheaval, Voodoo Economics and Seize the Time has been changed significantly, limiting their use.
A meaning-changing error was fixed on Orbit One.
Eliza and Clipper Chip have new minor limitations.
Disasters: The Oregon Crud and Volcano are now better. Combined Disasters has been clarified. The effects of the Weather Satellite have changed slightly.
Graphic Design Differences (how to tell the sets apart!)
- All Unlimited and Factory Set card titles are in italic type - except for the Illuminati cards in the Factory Set, each of which has its own unique typeface.
- In the Limited Edition, all card titles are in gold. In the Unlimited Edition, only the Illuminati names are in gold. Other card titles are in a color matching the text box - blue for Plots, pink for Groups, purple for Resources. And in the Factory Set, all cards have a black background; the Illuminati names are in actual metallic gold, while the other card titles are in a bright version of the color in the text box.
- The purple on the Resource cards is a lot more purple in the Unlimited Edition!
Generic Fixes
The term "free action" has been changed to "free move" on all cards.
Special Cards
The three Limited Edition special cards, The Great Pyramid, Pyramid Marketing Schemes and Trading Card Games, are not in the Unlimited Edition, but are included in the Factory Set.
- 18 1/2 Minute Gap
- Reworded for clarity. Change the second paragraph to read: "That card is canceled, but not discarded. Instead, add it to your own hand!"
- A.M.A.
- Reworded for clarity. The entire card now reads:
"The A.M.A. has 5 for a direct attack on any Science group, or gives a +5 bonus when it uses its Power to aid any Science group against an attempt to control or destroy."
Unfortunately, the "clear" rewording needs one more sentence; it should also say "May aid or oppose any attack made by, or against, any Science group."
- Air Magic
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Jeff Koke.
- Albino Alligators
- Reworded for clarity, along with all other "+10 bonus" cards. The last sentence now reads: "If used for defense, the bonus lasts until the end of the current turn, is good for defense only, and does not count toward Goals."
- Anti-Nuclear Activists
- Corrected to refer to the "Nuclear Power Companies," not "Plants."
- Assertiveness Training
- Reworded for clarity, like all other similar alignment-changing cards. The reference to the Illuminati is removed from the second sentence. A new second paragraph is added - a single line reading
"Alternatively, one Illuminati action will do the job." We hope this will eliminate a very Frequently Asked Question.
- Bank Merger
- Changed for better game balance, along with all similar "Reload" type Plots (but note that Full Moon has a different change). Bank Merger now reads:
"Place an Action token on any one Bank group, or on two or more Bank groups whose current Power adds up to 5 or less. This card may not benefit a group that already has any tokens, or a group which is suffering from any effect that prevents it from getting Action tokens.
"This card may be played at any time. It requires an action from your Illuminati.
"Requires Illuminati Action"
- Benefit Concert
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- The Big Score
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Book of Kells
- Reworded for clarity. The card now reads:
"This powerful grimoire increases the regular and Global Power of the owning Illuminati by 1. Or, if linked to a Magic group, it gives that group an extra Action token each turn. The group can make no Attack to Destroy on any turn it gets an extra token!"
- Center for Weird Studies
- Reworded for clarity. Now reads " . . . you may discard any Plot card from your hand . . . "
- China
- Clarification. Last sentence now reads:
"Any attempt to destroy it, even a Disaster, has a penalty of -20."
- Clipper Chip
- Changed for better game balance. A sentence is added to the end:
"No player may have more than one Clipper Chip in play at a time."
- Clone Arrangers
- Clarification. A sentence is added to the end:
"The original Personality no longer counts as 'destroyed' for the goals of whoever killed it."
- Cold Fusion
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Combined Disasters
- Clarification. The first two sentences now read:
"You may combine two Disasters on the same Place, as long as both are eligible to be used on it. Play both of the Disaster cards, as well."
- Dollars for Decency
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Straight groups instead of Banks.
- Druids
- Clarification: The first sentence now reads "The Druids may aid or oppose any attack made by, or against, any Magic group, even if it is Secret."
- Early Warning
- Reworded for clarity, to "Play this card, as a free move, after any Diaster is played. It gives the target +10 to defend against that one Disaster."
- Eliza
- Change for game balance: Add "No group may have more than one Eliza."
- Flower Power
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Peaceful groups instead of Banks.
- Flying Saucer
- Reworded for clarity. The last paragraph now reads:
- "Left unlinked, as property of the Illuminati, the Flying Saucer lets you make one extra automatic takeover each turn. This may only be used for a Resource. If you make this extra takeover, you must discard your top undrawn Plot card in exchange."
- Freaking the Mundanes
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Weird groups instead of Banks.
- Full Moon
- Changed for better game balance, to require an Illuminati action. (But note that, alone among the "Reload" type cards, "Full Moon" still benefits any number of cards. This is because it helps only Fanatics, and an all-Fanatic deck is not likely to be abusive.)
- Fundie Money
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Gang War
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Criminal groups instead of Banks.
- Gnomes of Zurich
- No longer has a +4 to control Corporate groups!
- Goal: Criminal Overlords
- Added an Anatole France quote.
- Good Polls
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Derek Pearcy.
- Harmonica Virgins
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Hawaii
- Reworded for clarity: it gives its master one extra action token EACH TURN.
- Hoax
- Reworded for clarity. The second sentence now says "That card is canceled."
- I Lied
- Art blown up so that the hands break the frame.
- I.R.S.
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Derek Pearcy.
- Immortality Serum
- Art re-sized so the text box doesn't go off the bottom of the card!
- Infobahn
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Israel
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Jeff Koke.
- Reworded for clarity. The last sentence now reads "The privilege is negated."
- Italy
- Reworded for clarity. The last stntence now reads "Italy's Power can be used to defend any Weird group you control, as a free move . . . no Action token required."
- Jake Day
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Jihad
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- There is no truth to the rumor that we are changing the name of this card fnord.
- Just Say No
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Kinder and Gentler
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- L-4 Society
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Derek Pearcy.
- Lawyers
- Reworded for clarity. The card now reads:
- "Any group in your Power Structure gets a +4 defense bonus against any attack made or aided by a Government or Corporte group.
- "You do not have to pay taxes to the IRS."
- Liberal Agenda
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- March On Washington
- The words "Requires Discard" are added at the bottom. Note that the card text already stated that a discard was required.
- Martial Law
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Martyrs
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Mutual Betrayal
- New background added by Jeff Koke.
- Nationalization
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Nephews of God
- Reworded for clarity. The second and third sentences of the second paragraph now reads: "Each turn, roll 2 dice before you draw any cards. If you roll a 6 or less, you may draw one extra card from either of your decks."
- New Federal Budget
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Government groups instead of Banks.
- New World Order cards:
- For those players who have difficulty distinguishing colors, each NWO card has a line added to the bottom which both indicates its color and restates the way the card is used. For example, each Blue NWO now ends with: "This card replaces any Blue NWO now in play."
- New World Order: A Thousand Points of Light
- Reworded for clarity. The second sentence of the second paragraph now reads: "Opposed alignments no longer give the standard +4 bonus to destroy or the +4 penalty to control."
- New World Order: Fear and Loathing
- Reworded for clarity. The second sentence now reads: "Identical alignments now give +8 or any attempt to control, and -8 on any attempt to destroy."
- New World Order: Military-Industrial Complex
- Massively reworded for clarity. This card now reads:
- "Government and corporate interests have become nearly identical. The Corporate alignment no longer exists for any purposes except Goals.
- "All Corporate groups are now considered Government for all purposes except Goals. Cards and special abilities which specifically affect or require Corporate groups are now useless . . .
- "This card replaces any Yellow NWO card in play."
- New World Order: Political Correctness
- An error was corrected; the third sentence now reads "All Conservative groups with a Power of 0 or 1 become Criminal as well."
- New World Order: Tax Reform
- Reworded for clarity. The increased "taxing" power of the IRS is now stated as: "The IRS can now tax one Plot card from each player, at the beginning of its own turn, taking the top card from their decks."
- Reworded for clarity. The second sentence now reads: "When the card is first controlled, and again each time your turn begins, roll 2 dice, subtracting 2 from the total, to set its Power for that turn."
- Orbit One
- An error in the original card was corrected. The last sentence now reads "Orbit One is not affected by any Disaster cards except Nuclear Accident and Meteor."
- The Oregon Crud
- Changed for game balance. The Oregon Crud now has a Power of 24, and destroys its target if the die roll succeeds by more than 10.
- Pledge Drive
- Re-colored by Derek Pearcy.
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Liberal groups instead of Banks.
- Power Corrupts
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Privatization
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Pulitzer Prize
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Red Scare
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Conservative groups instead of Banks.
- Reload
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Violent groups instead of Banks.
- S.M.O.F.
- One word added for clarity: the second sentence now begins "Has an extra +4 . . . "
- Save the Whales
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Seize the Time!
- Changed for game balance. The first paragraph is unchanged. The rest of the card now reads:
- "During your special turn, all your groups except your Illuminati get Action tokens, but you may not draw any cards for any reason, or play any Plot card.
- "You must spend your Illuminati action to use this card. No player may use this card more than once in a game! This card may not be used until each player has finished his first turn.
- "Requires Illuminati Action"
- Slush Fund
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Spear of Longinus
- Reworded for clarity, in the Factory Set only:
- The first sentence now reads "This artifact, both sacred and cursed, can be used once per attack, whenever you wish!"
- Stock Split
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Stonehenge
- Reworded for clarity. Now reads: " . . . immune to all Magic groups, Magic Plots or Magic Resources."
- Straighten Up
- Reworded for clarity, as per "Assertiveness Training," above.
- Tax Breaks
- Partially recolored by Derek Pearcy.
- Changed for better game balance, as per "Bank Merger," above - but for Corporate groups instead of Banks.
- Templars
- Partially recolored (for historical accuracy) by Derek Pearcy.
- Terrorist Nuke
- Reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above.
- Texas
- New art by Dan Smith, colored by Derek Pearcy.
- Upheaval!
- Added for clarity: "This card may be played at any time, but only after all players have completed their first turns."
- Video Games
- Reworded for clarity. Last sentence says: "Gives +1 Power to all your other Computer groups!"
- Volcano
- Changed for game balance. The Volcano now has a Power of 18, and destroys its target if the die roll succeeds by more than 2.
- Volunteer Aid
- Reworded for clarity, to "free move" instead of "free action."
- Voodoo Economics
- Changed for game balance. The entire card text is now:
- "Play this card during your own turn, just after you place Action tokens. You must spend your Illuminati action. Discard up to ten Plot cards from the top of your deck, removing them permanently from play. For each one you discard, you may place one extra Action token on one of your own Groups, except your Illuminati. No Group may get more than one extra Action token from this card.
- "No player may use this card more than once in a game.
- "Requires Illuminati Action and Discard"
- Wall Street
- Reworded for clarity. The first paragraph now reads:
- "Wall Street always has the option to treat any Corporate group as though it were Government, or vice versa, when Wall Street makes or aids an attack. This does not affect other groups' participation in the attack."
- Warehouse 23
- Reworded for clarity. The card now reads:
- "When you first play this card, you may look through your hand or deck and choose one Artifact or Gadget Resource, as a free automatic takeover.
- "Whenever you take over a new Resource, you may choose to hide it under this card. You can't use hidden Resources until you expose them, and once exposed they must stay exposed, but you can expose one at any time and (if its powers allow it) use it immediately. Your rivals cannot look at or affect the cards inside Warehouse 23 except by capturing or destroying it. If it is captured or destroyed, its cards go with it."
- Weather Satellite
- Changed for game balance. The first sentence of the second paragraph is now "You may increse by 10, or decrease by 4, the power of any Hurricane, Rain of Frogs, or Tornado."
- World Cup Victory
- Should have been reworded for clarity, as for "Albino Alligators," above. We missed it, but we'll make the change in a later printing.