Things are beginning to warm up for the summer tournament season! We're very close to making some important decisions, but we want to wait until next issue to give everybody a full chance to weigh in with their opinions. Look for the complete story in the next issue.

Current Roster

Here's an alphabetical list of the current AADA clubs. If there are any mistake in the listing, or you believe you've been left off this list in error, contact us immediately.

Car Wars Enters World Wide Web

by Timothy D. Jacques

1986 As Car Wars enters the gaming mainstream, players go ga-ga and demand more coverage. The advent of the Illuminati BBS only heightens the popularity.

1994 ADQ goes to the scrap pile in favor of Pyramid Magazine. Car Wars hits rock bottom as players search for venues to contact their fellow brethren.

1996 Pyramid flourishes, but duellists want more coverage. The Web comes to the rescue.

Two years ago, I was one of those players who yearned for a special place for Car Wars fans. After several nights of surfing the Web, I stumbled upon some interesting sites. Perhaps they can help rekindle your interest in the game. By no means is this list complete. Any new sites should be forwarded to SJ Games for future updates.

Name: High Velocity Duelling (HVD)
Country: Australia

"The magazine that turns Sunday drivers into serious competition" is what this site calls itself. The designer of HVD promises to make his site into an online version of ADQ, with both in-house and outsider submissions. HVD has sections covering vehicles, product reviews, humorous bumper stickers and gadgets. The site currently is going under a series of upgrades.

What caught my eye about HVD is its extensive links page (as of this writing, there were over a dozen other Car Wars websites to link up to). HVD makes a great starting point and I highly recommend a visit there.

Name: AVRO
Country: Canada

AVRO is an online Car Wars magazine that has great potential. The graphics are very appealing, and the selection of topics is quite diverse. The AVRO site offers everything from arenas and gadgets to vehicles and club history, and much more. The site owner openly encourages outside submissions. In my opinion, this is one of the top Car Wars sites to visit.

Name: NOVA
Country: USA

After ten years of producing their quarterly newsletter (Nightmessenger), NOVA has decided to "go digital." This is the third on-line Car Wars magazine to enter the Web. The site's main attraction is a large vehicle selection-grid offering designs ranging from subcompacts to trucks. There is also a section for past Nightmessenger issues (which will be updated on a regular basis).

The Nightmessenger is broken down into club news, editorials, convention/tournament results, gadgets, "duel-slang," character profiles, optional rules and reviews. If looking for source material, this is your place. If you're into whiz-bang visuals, go someplace else.

Name: BAD ASS (Boston AADA chapter)
Country: USA

This site specializes in a corporate Car Wars campaign. Team biographies and current standings are posted after each event.

Name: IADA
Country: Ireland
Email: None listed

The IADA site is limited and uneventful. All that is offered is a car design and a listing of Irish pubs. There is also a link to the SJ Games website.

Country: USA

This is a modest site created by the The Saint Paul Area Road Knights. Based upon its content, it's mainly meant for SPARK members. The site offers club news, event schedules, vehicles, gadgets, and a "hall of fame." The SPARK site was only good for about two minutes of browsing and that's about it.

Name: Driving Tigers
Country: USA

In the early 1990s, Driving Tigers Magazine published a steady stream of well-written Car Wars fiction. The magazine picked up the slack when ADQ didn't have the space. The site is well worth the time for an evening's reading or casual browsing.

Those who wish to contribute to the site should contact them by email for writers' guidelines. Chris Burke, by the way, is the co-author of the new GURPS Autoduel, 2nd Edition.

Name: Java Design Program
Country: USA
This is a vehicle design program in Java script. Name: Jeff Barret's Car Wars Page
Country: USA

This is another vehicle design program. The operator has a choice of either using an Adobe, or XLS (Excel 5) format. I found both formats easy and workable.

Name: Windows 6.0 Design Sheet
Country: Germany

This is a design sheet program for Windows 6.0.

Name: Steve Jackson Games Car Wars Website
Country: USA

Often described as the "Mecca of the Car Wars universe," the SJ Games site offers information on upcoming Car Wars products, back issues of ADQ, answers to frequently asked questions and AADA news. For a beginning duellist, this is a must place to visit.

On a humorous note, the site has a link page to a national speed-trap registry! I was so amused that I actually logged on to the site and put my two cents in.

Name: Car Wars Line-Editor
Country: USA

As of Pyramid #22, SJ Games appointed a line editor for Car Wars, Grady Elliott. He will liaison between the Car Wars public and SJ Games, screening all new material and ideas, offering advice, answering rules questions, playtesting projects and helping direct the future of the game. As of this date, there is no website.

More News From NOVA

Got this letter just a little too late to appear in Pyramid #23, but let's hope this settles things for now:

Dear Mr. Haring,

After reading Mr. French's letter in Pyramid #22, it has become apparent that the "mine controversy" needs to be settled once and for all.

Mr. French has been brooding over his defeat for the past few months and has sadly decided to air his "dirty laundry" to the Car Wars public. Sadly, his account of the NOVA club championship is in error.

First, according to the rules in the Uncle Al's Catalog From Hell, page 15, mines will damage tires and underbody armor to all vehicles within 1". This radius effected Donald's, Norman's and Chris' vehicles causing kills in each case. The only one arguing is Mr. French. Second, when asked to surrender at the end of the duel, Mr. French agreed and gave up. Finally, Car Wars was never meant to be an exact science. Car Wars is part sci-fi, part techno-fantasy. Frankly, Mr. French needs to accept his loss and move on.

We welcome Mr. French's suggestions to modify the mine rules for future tournaments, but to constantly nag the autoduelling public over spilled milk is becoming quite childish.

For the official record, Timothy Jacques is the 2046 NOVA club champion. Case closed.

Norman McMullen (NOVA Club President)
Donald Jacques (NOVA member)
Timothy Jacques (2046 NOVA Club Champion)

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