Club Champions must be reported to us here at SJ Games to be official. The report must come from the club president, and should include the complete name and address of the champion, a copy of the vehicle design used to win the championship, and some sort of description of the action (go into as much detail as you like). The names of the Club Champions, their winning designs, and any really interesting play-by-play will be printed in future issues of Pyramid.
Each Club Champion will also receive a one-year subscription (or subscription extension) to Pyramid, as well as a certificate good for $20 worth of SJ Games product through our mail order department! Club Champions are also eligible to participate in Regional Championships, and will also get a first-round bye at the AADA World Championships at Origins (see below).
As of January 15, we have no record of any 2045 Club Championships that have already been held. If you have sent in Club Championship information for 2045, please send it in again. The rest of you, get busy!
Once again, the format of a Regional Championship is up to the host group, but we advise that things be kept relatively sane. It is also the responsibility of the host group to report the name and address of the Regional Champ to SJ Games by July 7, 1995. Please provide a copy of the winning design, and as much information about the event as you care to provide. The names of the Regional Champions, their winning designs, and the details of the events will be printed in future issues of Pyramid.
As an added incentive to hosting the Regional Championship, the referee of such an event will receive a bye in the first round of the AADA World Championships at Origins, just like Club Champions. The name and address of the referee must also be reported to SJ Games by June 24, 1994. Two Regional Championships have already been set - the Central Region Championship will be held at Spring Campaign '95 in Ralston, NE, hosted by MADD. And the Midwest Region Championship will be hosted by BLADE at Egyptian Campaign 1995 in Carbondale, IL, March 3-5.
Regional Champions will receive a certificate good for $40 worth of SJ Games merchandise through our mail order department. Regional Champions also receive a bye to the Final Round of the AADA World Championships at Origins (see below), and Regional Champions who travel to Origins will receive a $50 travel reimbursement at the show to help cover their expenses in getting to Philadelphia, PA (the Northeast regional champ is not eligible for travel reimbursement - that's the price for being the host region for the World Championships!).
No Regional Championships will be awarded on the basis of forfeits - at least two Club Champions must meet in the arena and fight it out! To make it easier to scare up a field for some Regionals, we've decided to allow the top three finishers at the Club level to advance to the Regional Championship. The Club Champion should still get some sort of advantage at the Regional level, but exactly what that advantage will be is up to the individual Regional organizers.
Foreign Club Champions will only receive a bye to the semi-finals like other Club Champions, but they will be eligible for the $50 travel reimbursement because of the great lengths they will be going to to attend.
This is a seeded tournament. Club Champions and Regional tournament referees receive a bye to the semifinals. Regional Champions and the defending World Champion receive a bye to the World Championship Finals. There are no other seeds. To claim a seed, Club and Regional Champions must be reported to Steve Jackson Games as mentioned earlier. Unreported champions will not receive a seed, and must enter the at-large qualifier. Seeded participants who elect to fight in a round earlier that their spot give up their seed and risk elimination from the tournament as if they were an un-seeded participant.
In all rounds, a vehicle may have a maximum of two characters - driver and gunner. No passengers are allowed. Characters should be built on 50 points, with a maximum of 30 points in any one skill. Reflex rolls will be set at 4 for all characters. Personal equipment available to crew members shall be limited to one suit of Body Armor, of any legal type, and one Personal Fire Extinguisher (PFE) only. No exceptions. No hand-held weapons or other personal equipment will be allowed.
The At-Large Qualifier will be a Division 15 arena duel using pre-designed vehicles. These vehicles will be available for inspection at the Soldiers & Swords booth before each round.
The semi-final will be a Division 25 duel using vehicles of your design. You must bring a neat, legible worksheet showing all elements of the vehicle design with you. Your design will be checked by a player at another table, and corrections (if any are necessary) will have to be made very quickly. Please make absolutely sure your designs are legal before you come to the event.
The final will be a Division 40 event. As mentioned above, vehicle designs have to be dropped off at the S&S booth before 10:00 a.m. the day of the final.
The arena the final round will be played on is a custom design, and it will be on display at the earlier events, so players may have a chance to look over the field of battle. The arenas that will be used for the at-large and semifinal rounds are being kept secret - but you can expect a design that incorporates a need for firepower and speed, offense and defense. In other words, an arena that rewards a well-rounded duellist and not a specialist.