Got a smorgasbord of things this time around, including a complete roster of AADA chapters, a little advance news on the 2045 World Championships, a report from Sweden, and even a car design! So, without any further ado . . .
The AADA World Championships for 2045 will be held at Origins '95, July 13-16, 1995 in Philadelphia, PA. Once again, the event will be co-sponsored by Steve Jackson Games and Soldiers & Swords, the publishers of the Car Wars 3-D line of autoduelling miniatures and terrain.
Once again, there will be three rounds: A two-heat At-Large Qualifier, a Semifinal round, and the Finals. Club Champions who attend will receive a bye to the Semifinals; Regional Champions who attend will receive a bye to the Finals, as will the defending champion, Mark DeVries.
The only major change in the set-up occurs at the Regional level. To encourage more Regional participation, more duellists will now be eligible for each Regional. The top three finishers in each Club Championship can now go on to the Regional, though we encourage each Regional organizer to give the Club Champions some sort of advantage in the Regional. Like last year, Regional Championships must be won in the arena; no "winners by default" will be allowed.
Clubs interested in hosting Regional Championships should contact us right away. The Midwest Regional has already been set for March 3-5, 1995 at Egyptian Campaign 1995 in Carbondale, IL, hosted by BLADE. More complete information on the World Championships will appear in next issue.
We received this report from SEAT's Magnus Karlsson:
Four heats were held in a 3-D arena, the winner being the one with the most points in a single heat. Points were awarded for half-kills, checkpoints and jumps, with all points doubled after a jump was completed.
An average of nine duellists participated in each heat, and caused a lot of mayhem, as usual. The extra amount of jumping took its toll; in one heat, two out of three jumpers exploded shortly after landing. In another, one player decided to rear-end another player in the air, but lost his wheels on the ramp and could not straighten out. He landed at the same time as his intended victim, but a half-inch to the side of the landing ramp. He lost control and vaulted up in the air again, landed six inches away and finally crashed into the wall at 65 mph.
The first heat had the highest scores, as four players each hit all four checkpoints and a total of six jumps were made. The overall winner, Mark Lagerström, apart from making three jumps, gained most of his points in a rather spectacular jump when he and another player jumped the same jump in different directions without colliding. The other player was happy he had made the jump until he discovered that Mark had left him a present on the landing ramp - a total of nine mines hidden under the smoke. There was a penalty for dropping solids on ramps, so the victim did not expect anything other than smoke, but the points (two half-kills, doubled twice) Mark received more than made up for the penalties.
Mark Lagerström took first place with 27 points, John Flemström was second with 18, and Samuel Aslund was third with 16. The winning design:
Surprise - Luxury, Hvy. Chassis, Hvy. Suspension, 250 cid engine with VP turbo, overdrive, 6-gal. economy tank, 4 racing PR tires, 4 10-pt. FP wheel hubs, 2 10-pt. FP wheel guards, 2 fake wheelguards, spoiler, airdam, HD brakes, HD shocks, 3 pairs of SS and MD (L, R, B), 7 links (all combinations of pairs), 146 pts. FP armor. Accel. 15, Top Speed 95, HC 5, 6,004 lbs., $29,996.